Once you've mastered toasting your own spices, this one is so easy. Literally just toast some pepitas and sunflower kernels, about equal quantities of each, and then grind them in a food processor or your spice grinder. You don't want to make the picture too fine because everyone likes a bit of texture in their dukkah.
Once you'd got that sorted, add some of your spice mix and some salt, plus any other flavourings you're after such as ground chilli or paprika if that's what you're into and you've got a seriously yummy dukkah that's not only delicious it's nut free so you can take it anywhere and feed anyone!
It'll keep well in an airtight container in the pantry, but you won't get a chance to test that theory because it's so good on toast, sprinkled over salads, or used as dukkah with olive oil, balsamic glaze and bread....or let us know if you find another use for it too!
Once you'd got that sorted, add some of your spice mix and some salt, plus any other flavourings you're after such as ground chilli or paprika if that's what you're into and you've got a seriously yummy dukkah that's not only delicious it's nut free so you can take it anywhere and feed anyone!
It'll keep well in an airtight container in the pantry, but you won't get a chance to test that theory because it's so good on toast, sprinkled over salads, or used as dukkah with olive oil, balsamic glaze and bread....or let us know if you find another use for it too!