When I hit my late 30's I felt as though I was too old to be chowing down on another mammal's breast milk. It's just personal preference. I have no problem with other people doing it (in fact two of my kids do it by the litre) but it's not for me.
After weighing up the pros and cons of other types of milk (like soy and almond) we decided that rice milk was the best fit for us as it was less processed and not as greedy on resources as other milk alternatives. We're really happy drinking rice milk - it's not too expensive, requires no animal welfare considerations and tastes nice in a cup of tea.
After drinking shop bought rice milk for a few years we decided to make our own. If you have five minutes and a decent blender, you can too. It's definitely not rocket science. Here's how it goes...
Put one cup of cooked rice, four cups of water, a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of sugar in your blender and whizz it all around for a couple of minutes - basically until it looks like milk and not like small chunks of rice floating in water. White rice makes a pretty, white milk while brown rice milk is slightly less sparkly but way better for you. And how does it taste? To be honest, quite a lot like watery rice that's been whizzed in a blender. I have to admit, we are not DIY rice milk converts - but that again, is a matter of personal preference. If you're into alternative milks you might just like it and it certainly saves money. But we reckon we'll stick with shop bought rice milk for now.
After weighing up the pros and cons of other types of milk (like soy and almond) we decided that rice milk was the best fit for us as it was less processed and not as greedy on resources as other milk alternatives. We're really happy drinking rice milk - it's not too expensive, requires no animal welfare considerations and tastes nice in a cup of tea.
After drinking shop bought rice milk for a few years we decided to make our own. If you have five minutes and a decent blender, you can too. It's definitely not rocket science. Here's how it goes...
Put one cup of cooked rice, four cups of water, a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of sugar in your blender and whizz it all around for a couple of minutes - basically until it looks like milk and not like small chunks of rice floating in water. White rice makes a pretty, white milk while brown rice milk is slightly less sparkly but way better for you. And how does it taste? To be honest, quite a lot like watery rice that's been whizzed in a blender. I have to admit, we are not DIY rice milk converts - but that again, is a matter of personal preference. If you're into alternative milks you might just like it and it certainly saves money. But we reckon we'll stick with shop bought rice milk for now.